Monday, January 23, 2012

evil monday

Well, ask anyone who knows me and they will confirm, Mondays and I just don't get a long.  I went to bed late last night and had to be up by 5:30am this morning to get ready for that place I call work.  The morning started out just fine.  Had my coffee on the way in, and when I got there, there was no drama waiting for me.  Then the next thing I know it is 1:00pm!  What just happened?!  I still have no idea where the morning went.  All I know is that I still had mass amounts of work to do and only 3hours and 45 minutes left to do it in.  Not to mention the President of our company was there today to do the whole "beginning of the year outlook" speech.  That ate up about 40 more minutes.  OK, it was now 2:00pm and I had a deposit to make and a report to go through.  Now, I should admit that I can do my check deposit from my desk thanks to modern day technology and I only had about 6 checks to deposit.  But that report, well that is another thing all together.  But before I could take care of these two items, I had to sit down with a couple of our salesmen to discuss an account they share.  It is a good thing we all get along and they see my point of view on a few things or that little sit down could have gone a lot worse.  But in the end, I had their support and will work on that account tomorrow.  OK, that ate up almost 30 minutes.  Now to hurry and deposit my checks so that I could tackle that report.  OK, another almost 30 minutes gone. I am now looking at the clock and it is 3:00pm.  UGH!  just to give you an idea, this report can take anywhere from 1 hour to 2 hours depending on how clean it really is.  Thank goodness today, it was cooperating and was clean.  It took me just over 1 hour.  I was able to close the two credit card machines and run out the door at 4:50pm.  Now, normally I don't get out of there until at least 5:00pm.  It is usually closer to 5:30pm, but today, I had my daughter to pick up.  Due to the unheard of amounts of snow we got last week, my husband was still carpooling with me today, so he wasn't able to pick her up like he normally does.

Well, good news everyone, all went well.  I managed to get done just what needed to be done for the day and get the little monkey picked up on time.  Whoo Hoo!!  Superwoman watch out!  LOL

Anyway, to end an already "ugh" day, I spent all our money paying bills online once I got home.  Checked out Facebook and am now retelling all of this to anyone who is reading my blog.  In addition to my little monkey who is sitting here reading this over my shoulder, in awe of how fast I can actually type and without even having to look at my fingers :)

Tomorrow is another set of 8hours to try and complete 15hours worth of work.  Good luck to everyone who lives their lives the same way!

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