Saturday, January 21, 2012

The First Ever

Welcome to my very first blog post.  Feels kind of odd that someone may read my words, but very freeing at the same time.  I heard that keeping a journal, or something along those lines, can extend your life.  I guess by getting it out of your head, it reduces stress.  Well, I am not sure if blogging my personal insanity will help, but I am willing to give it a try.

I guess I will start with the basics:  I am a mother, wife, sister, daughter.  I have been married for almost 17 years now and have a beautiful daughter.  We live 2 states away from our families, but have managed to join a few extended families in the 7 years we have been here.  We love where we live very much and have been very fortunate to make some wonderful friends.  I am a true believer of friends for life, so I never had an expectation of making new friends.  We are a simple family, very much home bodies.  It has been the three of us for so long, that it has become our norm.

So, I imagine this blog will be filled with random rantings of an insane me.  I want it that way.  I want to be free to say whatever I am feeling.  I would love people to be able to take my rantings and make them their own, but if no one reads my words, that will be OK also.  I have decided to do this for me.  Something I don't do very often as a mother and wife.  I spend most of my days doing for others, at work and at home.  If I can keep the grey hair away for a few more years by writing my frustrations, happiness and horrors down, then I am all for that.  This girl will not be going grey gracefully.

My friend Nikki, aka Martha Stewart, started her blog (see blogs I follow) and I was extremely jealous that she could write her life down so perfectly.  I have been reading in envy for a few months now.  Then, what do you know, tonight I decided I could do that too.  Her drive to complete projects and be a working mom who manages to juggle numerous balls at once frustrates the hell out of me.  Don't tell her, but I am envious of her.  The funny thing is, she is way to hard on herself.  She tells me she loves my positivity and wishes she had more.  Guess that is what makes us a good team.  She has the drive and kicks me in the butt and I have the positivity to keep her from going insane when she can't get all of her projects done at once.  LOL

Well, welcome to the ride.  Buckle your seat belt because it will probably get bumpy at times.  I look forward to the company though, I have never liked traveling alone. 

1 comment:

  1. Awww, you are far too nice. Glad you are doing this. It is freeing in a way - to dump your thoughts out somewhere. I guess a private journal would work but I like to think that some of my insanity may help others feel more normal, or at least better than me, and it always feels nice to feel good about yourself :)
